Nick Saban goes off on the media: 'Y'all buried us last week'

For a guy who claims he does not pay attention to media comments, Nick Saban sure seems to enjoy reminding them when they are wrong.

Alabama's head coach appeared genuinely upset with the media present at his Monday introductory press conference, only two days removed from his team's best performance of the season.

"I say the same thing as when y'all buried us last week, and all that," Saban said. "It really doesn't matter what you think, it really doesn't matter what you say and I'm hoping that nobody on our team is playing for you. I hope they're playing for each other and their team and what they want to accomplish and not what you think, because that's not certainly what I'm doing.

"I'm coaching and working for our players and our team to be as good as it can be. If that's not pleasing to somebody else, it's not pleasing to somebody else. I said before, I believe in our team. I do believe in our team, aight, and we're going to work hard to make our team better. And I hope the players respond the right way. It's not going to be for you. The fans, yes.

"If it was up to you, we're six-feet under already. We're dead and buried and gone. Gone. So if that was the case, we'd have to get some respirators out or something down there, aight, to put life back in people."

Surprisingly, Saban fielded one more question following his comments instead of dropping the mic and walking out of the room.