New Blue Jacket F Carter moving forward

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - There may have been feelings of shock, anger and resentment when Jeff Carter discovered he had been traded from the Philadelphia Flyers to the Blue Jackets last week.

But that was last week.

"I'm in Columbus now," Carter said. "I'm not worried about what's going on (in Philadelphia) anymore."

Indeed it may take some time for everyone to believe the high-scoring forward is over his sudden deal to Columbus. But, on the surface at least, he's putting on a good face.

In a conference call with Ohio media on Monday, Carter began to move forward with his new club, and in particular, his new linemate, Rick Nash.

"Anytime you can get a chance to play with Rick, it puts a smile on your face," Carter said. "I'm excited to get out there and see what we can do together."

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