London Mayor Boris Johnson Gets Stuck On Zip Line

Wednesday in London, mayor Boris Johnson jumped down a zip line while madly waving a pair of miniature British flags. It was pretty funny. And then he got stuck and was left to dangle from 20 feet up while a crowd of people on the ground silently gawked at him, and it became really, really funny:

(Via Bruce Arthur)

There is certainly going to be plenty of discussion on the incident. A few talking points spring up immediately:

  • One of those people should get him down! Wire they all just staring at him?
  • Well, there's one thing you can say about Boris Johnson: he sure is en-d-ring.
  • Boris Johnson, huh? Well someone oughta call John and tell him his kid is stuck on a zipline!
  • This is inexcusable. They should have had the kinks worked out months ago -- by Mayor June, at the latest.
  • However he gets down, I hope he has a safe london.
  • I'm not sure exactly which authority you call in a situation like this. Do you just dial the pulleyce?
  • This is a cautionary tale. Remember, everyone, ziplines are not foolproof, and are capable of failing at any time.