Locked in the penalty ... stall?

Well, you know what coffee does to you in the morning, right after breakfast. It's time to go, um, read for a little while.

This natural and not-at-all embarrassing physical process happened to Washington Capitals winger Joel Ward at the Omni Hotel in Dallas. Ward was having breakfast with his teammates, and left to find a stall. But the stall wouldn't let him out. The lock was stuck, and Ward was too.

Stuck in the washroom...someone help? #Dallasproblems #OmniHotel #Validexcuse pic.twitter.com/1g7nlNy73C

-- Joel Ward (@JRandalWard42) October 5, 2013

"I tried to come out and I flipped the switch a little bit but it wasn't really coming undone," Ward told the Washington Post.

Naturally, his teammates thought this was hilarious. The came in to investigate, as did hotel staff.

#operationsavewardo pic.twitter.com/yqZMyc1aBL

-- John Carlson (@JohnCarlson74) October 5, 2013 But nobody could fix it, and Ward had to be lifted out of the stall like a sack of garden soil.

We got him!!!! pic.twitter.com/xaoGAQybMF

-- John Carlson (@JohnCarlson74) October 5, 2013

Rough day on the pot.