Legendary NBA Draft bust Kwame Brown is trying to make a comeback

The increased NBA salary cap has made a number of role players very rich this summer, and many former NBA stars are reportedly looking into making a comeback to chase a ring with one of the league's superteams - from Ray Allen to Larry Sanders.

One NBA player you probably never expected to see again, though, is 2001 No. 1 overall draft pick Kwame Brown, who last stepped on an NBA floor in February of 2013 for the Philadelphia 76ers. Brown has signed with a new agency, and is hoping to latch on to a team and throw down some "devastating dunks" next season.

Via Interperformances:

"His comeback can be the road to glory for a team that believes in him. Kwame is back, physically healthy and ready to be the outstanding player he was on several NBA teams.

A great intimidator that can block shots, rebound consistently and explode in devastating dunks. No longer the young man that entered the NBA, Kwame is now an experienced and mature player and man. And he's back, for the love of the game."

Here are a few things you may have forgotten about Kwame Brown:

He was once teammates with Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson

Brown signed with the Warriors as a free agent in December of 2011, and played nine games for the team in Thompson's rookie year before being traded to the Bucks.

Brown averaged more than 10 points per game once in his career (2003-2004), the season after Michael Jordan retired

The Wizards went 25-57 that year, and Brown was traded to the Lakers after the next season.

Brown may have been a draft bust, but to his credit he stuck around the NBA for 12 years, which is more than double the average NBA career length.