He's back: Gonzalez admits being 'a little rusty' but says he'll be good to go when it counts

While conceding he's "a little rusty," Atlanta Falcons right end Tony Gonzalez says he'll be ready for the start of his final NFL season.

Gonzalez has missed most of the preseason with the Falcons, part of an arrangement with team officials when he decided to put off retirement for another year. The 37-year-old rejoined the team this past weekend and will be playing his first exhibition game Saturday night when Atlanta (0-2) visits Tennessee to meet the Titans (0-2).

Gonzalez said Tuesday he's been working out with a local high school team in California while away from the Falcons, and he kept up with what Matt Ryan and the rest of the offense were doing on his iPad.

Now, it's time to play. Gonzalez says it's "like riding a bike."