Giants owner Mara is beyond annoyed with the JPP situation

The drama continues. As the New York Giants prepare for their second preseason game, defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul is nowhere to be found. Opting to rehabilitate his hand injuries away from the team has struck a chord with Giants co-owner John Mara, who is normally well-guarded when it comes to his comments about his team.

"I'm beyond the point where I'm annoyed," Mara told Mike Francesa, in an interview on WFAN, per Filip Bondy of the New York Daily News. "I wish he'd handled it better but we're beyond that. Do I wish he came here and had our doctors look at him? Yes."

Pierre-Paul is recovering down in Florida with his own team and on his own timetable. All the Giants and Mr. Mara know is what Pierre-Paul's team has told them. Their timetable for Pierre-Paul's return to the team seems vague.

"The biggest concern is we don't know what the extent of the injury is," Mara said. "When he shows up, we'll evaluate him. We've been led all along to believe by his people he'll be able to play this year."

Until Pierre-Paul reports to training camp or gives a clearer update on his status, the Giants will continue to operate like he's not there. Defensive ends Damontre Moore and George Selvie have benefited the most in his absence.

(h/t NY Daily News)