Germany basks in 4th World Cup title after 24-year wait, prepares to welcome team home

It's been a long wait, and now Germany is basking in its fourth World Cup title.

The Die Welt newspaper celebrated Monday with a three-word headline in the national colors of black, red and gold that read simply: "It is true," while News website Der Spiegel listed Germany's titles: "1954. 1974. 1990. 2014!"

Midfielder Mario Goetze, who wasn't born when Germany won its last World Cup, sealed the title with his extra-time goal. "THANK GOETZ! World champions!" screamed the mass-circulation daily Bild.

Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer said after the match: "All of Germany is the world champion."

The theme was picked up by a top official in Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, Peter Tauber, who tweeted, "Good morning, you world champions out there!"

The team is due in Berlin on Tuesday.