Georgia may be forgotten in Notre Dame-Alabama hoopla, but Bulldogs also control their destiny

When Kansas State and Oregon both went down, Aaron Murray whooped it up as much as any Georgia fan.

The star quarterback knew what that meant for the Bulldogs — a shot at the national championship.

Funny thing, though. Outside of the state of Georgia, hardly anyone is talking about the Southeastern Conference's other title contender. Instead, everyone is gushing about the possibility of two storied programs — Notre Dame and Alabama — playing for No. 1.

Georgia, it seems, is just an afterthought.

Murray and his teammates don't mind being an underdog. In fact, the third-ranked Bulldogs are using it as motivation.

But this much is clear: Georgia has the same part to the championship as the top-ranked Fighting Irish and second-ranked Crimson Tide.

Win out. Win it all.