Cowboys RB Randle won't face felony charges in domestic case

Wichita, KS ( - The Sedgwick County District Attorney's office has declined to file felony charges against Dallas Cowboys running back Joseph Randle in a reported domestic dispute, citing a lack of evidence.

"After reviewing the extensive investigation conducted by the Wichita Police Department, including witness interviews and analyzing available evidence, we concluded there is a lack of evidence sufficient to support felony charges against Mr. Randle," Sedgwick County district attorney Marc Bennett said Wednesday in a statement. "The sufficiency of proof required in a criminal case is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. We find the nature of the available evidence in this instance is insufficient to meet that burden as to felony charges."

The case may be referred by the Wichita Police Department to the city prosecutor's office for potential misdemeanor charges against Randle, according to the statement.

Randle could have faced a possible six-game suspension by the NFL if he had been charged in the case for a first-time offense under the league's personal conduct policy.

Dalia Jacobs, the mother of Randle's son, told investigators that Randle brandished a gun and broke a car window while they argued Feb. 3 at a Wichita hotel.

Jacobs filed for a protective order soon after the incident, claiming Randle pointed a gun at a vehicle with their son and Jacobs' friend inside.

"The defendant became angry with me in the presence of our child," Jacobs wrote in the petition. "I told my friend to take our son out of the home. She got into the vehicle with my son in the passenger seat. The defendant walked to his vehicle and retrieved a handgun.

"He then proceeded to approach the vehicle and point the gun at my friend in the vehicle. He told me at this point that he was going to 'blast the vehicle.' My friend tried to cover up my child with her body. The defendant then smashed the window with his fist, causing glass to shatter across my friend and my child."

Randle carried the ball 51 times for 343 yards and three touchdowns last season.