Canseco plans to support Clemens

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jose Canseco plans to reiterate his previous support of Roger Clemens when the former slugger testifies before a federal grand jury next week.

One of Canseco's lawyers, Gary Holmes, said Thursday that Canseco's testimony "will be fully consistent" with a 2008 affidavit submitted in connection with the Clemens investigation.

In the sworn statement, dated March 2008, Canseco wrote: "I have never seen Clemens use, possess, or ask for steroids or human growth hormone."

The Washington, D.C., grand jury has been hearing witnesses as it deliberates whether to indict Clemens for allegedly lying to Congress two years ago, when the seven-time Cy Young Award winner denied using steroids or HGH.

Canseco is scheduled to testify on June 3.

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