British Open organizers undecided on Turnberry's future on rotation after Trump comments

British Open organizers say they will bide their time before deciding whether Turnberry should be removed from the championship rotation following comments by the course's owner, Donald Trump, about Mexicans.

Trump, a Republican candidate for U.S. president, is facing a backlash after saying some Mexican immigrants to the U.S. bring drugs and crime, and some are rapists.

Trump recently purchased Turnberry, a links resort on the west coast of Scotland that has hosted the British Open four times.

Asked if Trump's comments compromised Turnberry's place on the Open rotation, Peter Dawson, chief executive of the R&A, says "we'll just let a bit of time pass, and future championship committees will deal with them at the time."

The PGA of America announced last week it is moving the Grand Slam of Golf from Trump's course in Los Angeles.