BMX Racing Is An Insane Olympic Event

We can debate the merits of BMX as an Olympic sport, but let's just marvel at its insanity. Because really, it's quite insane. Riding a bike that's fit for a young person over big jumps and steep banked curves is crazy, and with the stakes as high as they are in the Olympics, things get even more ridiculous.

But oh well, time to watch some crashes.

This is just great. I imagine the rider in the front is screaming, "LATER DUDES" while giving the Hang 10 sign. And I'm hearing the sound of bowling pins being knocked over as the rest of the group all goes down.

Here we have synchronized faceplanting, a cross between synchronized swimming and BMX racing. This little number gets a 9, losing points for the flying bikes going in different directions. But the riders themselves ... well done, you two. Way to coordinate that face full of dirt.