Arena team denies adding former Giants safety Will Hill

Exiled New York Giants safety Will Hill is not a member of the Arena League’s Arizona Rattlers despite reports to the contrary.

An undated press release made the rounds Friday, citing Hill had signed with the team four days after being released by the Giants.

The 6-foot-1, 207-pound safety played with the Rattlers before ever playing in the NFL.

Shortly after the report caught some steam, the team denied inking Hill to any such deal and noting that the story was originally posted in 2011.

“Will Hill is NOT a member of the Arizona Rattlers,” the team's media relations manager Dale Hajek wrote in an email to

Hill, who was released by the Giants on Monday after being handed down a six-game suspension for violating the league’s substance-abuse policy, automatically reverts to the Rattlers’ roster.

“He was with [the Rattlers] before he signed with the Giants [in 2011],” Hill’s agent, Adisa Bakari said in a phone interview. “They still have his rights. There’s not much more I can say.”

Hill, who played 24 games in two seasons for the Giants, was a formidable part of their secondary last season. While he has sufficient on-field talent, the Giants didn’t think his off-the-field issues outweighed his production.

Hill also has become the subject of a recent report, claiming the safety owes money after allegedly trashing a rental home.

Giants head coach Tom Coughlin noted his disappointment in a news conference on Thursday following the team’s OTAs.

"If this is your job and you're willing to jeopardize your job for some other reason, then perhaps you don't have your mind and priorities where they should be in the first place," Coughlin said.