An Alabama fan got Nick Saban to autograph a custom Saban Jesus candle

The Champions Tour is in Alabama for this week's Regions Tradition at Greystone in Birmingham, and Alabama Crimson Tide head football coach Nick Saban busted out his clubs to play alongside Rocco Mediate in Wednesday's Pro-Am.

During his round, Saban was presented with what is likely one of the strangest items he's ever been asked to autograph by an Alabama fan - a modified Sacred Heart of Jesus candle bearing Saban's likeness.'s Michael Casagrande, who was following Saban as he played, has the story.


"Waiting for the previous group, [Alabama's Cedric] Burns rounded up another batch of autograph items. Mediate's eye caught one in particular.

"Where did you find this?" he shouts across the tee box to the owner. It was a candle that first appeared to be The Sacred Heart of Jesus typically found in Catholic homes. The only difference, Saban's face instead of Jesus.

"I promise I'm a good Catholic girl," she hollers back, saying it was a Father's Day present. She found it at a store in Pelham. That was a first, Saban's daughter said. Everything from end zone pylons to baseballs and college-ruled spiral notebooks were handed over for a signature Wednesday."