EKG of Neil Armstrong's moon heartbeat up for auction in New Hampshire

An EKG Taken as Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong took man's first step on the moon. "During the critical landing, the only message from Houston was '30 seconds,' meaning the amount of fuel left, but they were also closely monitoring Armstrong's vital signs as well," says Bobby Livingston, VP at RR Auction. (RR Auction)

A portiion of a map "flow to the moon on Apollo XVII" depicts the Sea of Tranquility and bears the signature of Gene Cernan. (RR Auction)

A New Hampshire auction house will soon accept bids on space and aviation artifacts, including an electrocardiogram of Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong's heartbeat taken when he first set foot on the moon.

Amherst-based RR Auction will take bids on the EKG, which registered a normal heartbeat, and other artifacts during an online auction from May 16 through May 23.

Other artifacts include the joystick controller operated by Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins in the Apollo 11 command module.

Auction officials say over 85 lots of Apollo 11 material will be featured in the auction.

Armstrong took his "giant step for mankind" on July 20, 1969. Buzz Aldrin later joined him on the moon's surface.

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Armstrong, an Ohio native, died in August at age 82.