Spring cleaning: No mops required


It’s officially spring, which means it’s also time for a little spring cleaning. Whether you’re in your first apartment or your dream home, here are a few suggestions that will vastly improve the comfort of your home in one afternoon’s worth of work.

Organize and clean the refrigerator

Do you have three almost empty bottles of mustard and some long-expired eggs in your fridge? How about those Mexican leftovers from a month ago? Go through your fridge and toss what’s no longer edible. Then, if you want to go the extra mile (or if the fridge literally stinks) actually clean it. And don’t forget the freezer section while you’re at it.

Edit your clothes

Even if it seems like you have the right amount of clothes, you may have much more than you think. In fact, it’s not uncommon for someone to give away 20 pounds of clothing after going through their closets. Get out all of your clothes and consider how long it’s been since you’ve worn each article. Often, items at the very bottom of your dresser or back of your closet haven’t been used in several seasons. If you haven’t missed these pieces yet, you likely never will. Give them away, or throw them out, as the case may be. By doing so, you’ll finally have room for the clothes you actually wear.

Get rid of ‘the pile’

Have a box or two that you never bothered unpacking after your last move, or a stack of “important papers” that is making a mess of your desk? How about a stash of old CDs or video games shoved under the bed? Go through them. Toss what you don’t need, save and organize what you do, and be glad to be done with it. Who knows, you might find something you’d been vaguely searching for but had given up as lost. As for those old video games: You might be able to convert them into a little bit of cash online.

Don’t be a product hoarder

Now, go through all the products and cosmetics in your medicine cabinet and bathroom shelves. Throw out everything that you are not currently using -- even if it was expensive -- or that is clearly past its “use by” date. And while you are in the bathroom, look at the shower curtain liner. Is it greenish? Then it’s time to get a new one.

Sprucing up your apartment doesn’t have to be painful. If you cannot do the entire cleanup in one day, tackle one or two things at a time. You’ll feel better about your place and ready for the new season.


MyFirstApartment.com helps novice renters successfully navigate the first year of living on their own. The blog shares proven tips and tricks for everything from finding the perfect rental or roommate, to furnishing on a small budget or no budget, to dealing with landlords or roommate’s girlfriends.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of Zillow.

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