Ben Carson's Home Decor Gives Us a Peek Into His Psyche -- and Priorities


We've speculated on how Donald Trump might tweak White House decor if elected. And now we might be closer to finding out how Republican candidate Ben Carson might update 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. after taking a peek into his home on NBC's photo gallery.

The pictures document photographer Mark Makela's visit to Carson's Maryland home in November 2014. The highlights: a biblical proverb with a typo (can you catch it?), an autographed photo with George W. and Barbara Bush, a photo of Carson with Cuba Gooding Jr., who played Carson in the 2009 made-for-TV movie " Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story," and -- last but far from least -- a painting of Carson with … Jesus.

Questions have been raised regarding Carson's claims of transcending violent tendencies and passing up a "scholarship" to West Point, a tuition-free military academy. But here's one thing his home makes unambiguously clear: His career and his faith top his priority list. He has several walls lined with framed certificates, awards, and news articles about himself.

And a picture of Carson posing next to gilded pillars in his home shows that the soft-spoken doctor has a flashy style sensibility. Carson and Trump may claim they're as different as night and day, but Carson's home suggests they might have a lot more in common than they'd ever admit.