4 Fall Yard Maintenance Chores to Tackle Now (and 1 to Skip)

Fall chores you should do in september; digging up soil (cjp)

Another glorious autumn season has arrived -- and that means your lawn will require some serious fall yard maintenance. We know, we know -- that's not exactly your idea of fun, but your yard is quietly crying out for a little TLC before it drifts into the deep freeze of winter.

Good news: If you put in the time to tackle chores now, you'll be all set and sitting pretty come spring. Even better news: There are actually a few traditional fall maintenance tasks that the experts say you should actually skip!

Go ahead, read on to learn which chores to do and to avoid.

Things to do right off the bat

The most important fall yard chore is the one least done: pulling a soil sample and sending it in for analysis at your County Extension Office -- the government agency charged with helping citizens improve the land under their feet, free of charge. (You can find your local agent at Pickyourown.org/countyextensionagentoffices.)