White House scolds Congress for having the 'gall' to leave for August break

A White House spokesman on Wednesday chided congressional Republicans for making plans to leave for the August break without reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, failing to pass a long-term highway bill and leaving other business unfinished until September.

"Right now what they're focused on is an ideological rider to defund Planned Parenthood," spokesman Eric Schultz said, noting GOP plans to strip federal funds from the group that has been accused of profiting from the sale of fetal remains. "They're dealing with strife within their own party; and they're leaving town early to get ahead on their six-week break."

"If you put that side by side with their inability to authorize Ex-Im Bank, that we're on the precipice of the highway trust fund in the height of construction season, and that they have the gall to leave town without even touching cyber security legislation, we think that's revelatory to of their priorities," Schultz continued. "And we think those are misplaced priorities."

Schultz was responding to a question about whether the White House miscalculated when it signaled it would sign off on a House plan to temporarily extend highway funding even though it didn't include reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank's lapsed charter.

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