U.S. says Iran missile test violated U.N. resolution

The recent ballistic missile test by Iran was a violation of a United Nations resolution, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power said Friday before a meeting of the U.N. Security Council.

Power said the test was a "clear violation," according to the Associated Press. The Security Council prohibition on Iran's ballistic missile activities, as well as the arms embargo, remain in place ... we will continue to press the Security Council for an appropriate response," she said.

Her statement was the most definitive so far from the Obama administration. On Monday, an official confided to CNN that the test "likely" violated UNSC Resolution 1929, which prohibits Iran from engaging in any activities related to ballistic missiles.

Iran tested the missiles last weekend, and Iran's state-run media in the Islamic Republic stated, "To follow our defense programs, we don't ask permission from anyone."

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