Trump: Minnesota too cold for Syrian refugees

Donald Trump suggested during his latest campaign rally Monday that the refugees coming from Syria to the U.S. will be miserable in Minnesota's climate.

"A friend of mine lives in Minnesota and he calls me up and he says, 'Can you imagine, it's 130 degrees in Syria and now they want to send some of them up to Minnesota where it's 30 degrees," the Republican presidential hopeful told thousands of supporters in Knoxville, Tenn.

"These people are going to be very very unhappy," he added. "It's cold, and beautiful, but it's cold."

Before introducing the weather as a reason not to accept the men, women and children, Trump told the audience much of his concern stems from the uncertainty surrounding the people being accepted into the U.S.

"We have a president who wants to take hundreds of thousands of people and move them into our country and we don't even know who they are," he said.