Top Obamacare critic signs up with Rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio announced Monday that his team nabbed top conservative mind and healthcare policy wonk Avik Roy for his 2016 run.

Roy most recently worked for Gov. Rick Perry's short-lived 2016 bid and is currently a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the opinion editor for Forbes. In addition, Roy was a healthcare adviser for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential bid. He is known as one of the sharpest critics of the Affordable Care Act.

Both parties announced the move on Twitter Monday morning.

In a tweet sent out Monday morning, Roy argued that "no candidate expresses — and embodies — the American dream better" than Rubio himself, adding that he is "honored" to advise the Florida senator on policy.

Rubio, who currently sits fourth in the Washington Examiner's latest power rankings, returned the favor with a tweet welcoming him to the team.

"Avik is helping us as a volunteer adviser," Rubio communications director Alex Conant told the Examiner on Roy's hire. "We appreciate his support as Marco lays out his agenda for a new American Century."