Ted Cruz raises $10 million in 2nd quarter

Sen. Ted Cruz announced Sunday that his presidential campaign raised more than $14.2 million since entering the 2016 fray in late March.

That haul included "roughly" $10 million raised in the second quarter fundraising period of April, May and June, from more than 175,000 contributions that averaged $81 each. The Cruz campaign is also touting the fact that multiple super PACs supporting his White House bid are claiming to have banked more than $37 million, although they have not yet publicized their fundraising reports.

"The aggregate total of over $51 million means that, along with Cruz's strong support from the conservative grassroots across the country, Cruz's campaign will have the resources, the manpower, and the energy to compete vigorously in all early state contests, as well as nationally in the Super Tuesday states on March 1st," the Cruz campaign said in a press release.

The campaign said that more than 120,000 unique donors from all 50 states and 5 territories have contributed to Cruz. Further, the campaign said, "Cruz has at least one or more donors in nearly half (48.1%) of the zip codes in America."

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