$tatehouse sale: One Omaha seat alone costing more than $300,000

It pays $33 a day—it’s costing 9,000 times that much— more than $300,000, to land.

“It” is District 8 of the Nebraska State Legislature—in north-central Omaha—where incumbent Democrat Burke Harr is spending twice as much as his GOP challenger Gwenn Aspen, as both cash out in order to cash in at the polls on Election Day.

Harr has spent $200,000. Aspen $100,000.

An outside group has shelled out $16,000.

In addition Harr and Aspen, both looking for that $12,000 a year Unicameral salary, are ready to launch at least another $40,000.

And those numbers are 11 days old putting $400,000 clearly in sight.

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