Schumer: McConnell is leading GOP 'over the cliff' with Supreme Court obstruction

Sen. Chuck Schumer said Sunday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is leading Republicans over a political cliff by vowing to block President Obama's nominee to replace late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia from receiving a Senate confirmation vote.

"Many of the mainstream Republicans, when the president nominates a mainstream nominee, will not want to follow Mitch McConnell over the cliff," Schumer said on ABC's "This Week," on Sunday.

"When you go right off the bat and say, 'I don't care who he nominates, I am going to oppose him,' that's not going to fly," Schumer said.

"You know, the kind of obstructionism that Mitch McConnell's talking about, he's harkening back to his old days," said the New York Democrat, who is set to become the Senate's Democratic leader next year. He was referencing the record number of filibusters that McConnell led as Senate Minority Leader prior the GOP regaining the majority last year.