Sanders, Cruz most popular senators running for president

Of the five federal lawmakers running for president, Sens. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz are the most popular among their constituents, according to a new survey.

While the two senators subscribe to diametrically opposite ends of the political spectrum, the latest Morning Consult survey of U.S. voters shows residents of Cruz and Sanders' home states agree they're doing a good job in Congress.

Sanders, an independent from Vermont, has a 83 percent job approval rating among voters in the Green Mountain State. He is the most popular member of the U.S. Senate, with only 13 percent of Vermont voters disapproving of his performance.

Cruz has an approval rating of 52 percent and is the second-most popular senator running for president. While 32 percent of Texans disapprove of his performance in the Senate, the Texas Republican is still viewed more favorably than his three Republican colleagues — Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham — who are also vying for the GOP nomination.