Pro-Kasich super PAC calls on Trump to apologize, or quit

A super PAC supporting John Kasich's presidential campaign says Donald Trump should apologize for his controversial comments about Muslims or leave the Republican Party.

New Day for America released an ad on Tuesday using Ronald Reagan's words to respond to Trump's recent comments. The new ad shows Reagan saying "there is no room for intolerance" in the GOP, followed by Trump appearing onscreen reading aloud his statement calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States."

The ad closes with text reading, "We didn't tolerate it then. We won't tolerate it now."

"Ronald Reagan said it best, we don't have room for bigots in our party. Donald Trump should rescind his offensive comments and apologize to Muslims or leave the Republican Party. Period," said Connie Wehrkamp, New Day for America spokesperson, in a statement.