Poll: Majority wants Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal

Despite President Obama's high approval rating, a majority of Americans want Congress to reject the recently-negotiated Iran nuclear deal.

Obama's approval rating sits at 49 percent — the highest it has been since June 2013 — however, 52 percent of Americans say they would like to see Congress reject one of the president's biggest foreign policy accomplishments in recent years. Forty-four percent say it should be approved, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

A definite partisan gap exists about desires for the nuclear deal with Iran, which was announced earlier this month: 66 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of independents say Congress should reject it. However, roughly six in 10 (61 percent) of Democrats say the deal should be approved.

An age divide also exists about the nuclear deal: 52 percent of those age 18-34 say it should be approved, while 56 percent of those 35 years and older say the deal should be rejected.

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