Paul raps liberals who mock prayer, push gun control

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he was deeply offended to hear members of the mainstream media were mocking conservative lawmakers and Americans who offered up prayers Wednesday following the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif.

"For people to be sly, snooty and arrogant about the fact that prayer doesn't influence our lives, I am offended by it and quite frankly shocked by that kind of attitude," Paul said Thursday morning on Fox News.

Shortly after news broke of the deadly massacre in Southern California, a handful of reporters began deriding individuals for turning to their faith.

Paul also slammed the media for prioritizing gun control over details of the shooting in their coverage.

"The whole story above and beyond the tragedy amazes me. As I was watching the news this morning, the competing channel[s] were only talking about gun control and did not mention that the attackers were Islamic or mention that the attackers were loaded with bombs and dozens of guns and weapons, or if it was a terrorist attack," he said.