Oklahoma governor must decide Common Core’s fate this week

Gov. Mary Fallin faces a Saturday deadline to decide what to do with bills passed in the closing days of the 2014 legislative session.

The most weighty matter still on her desk is the fate of the Common Core education standards.

Activists on both sides of the Common Core debate have flooded Fallin’s office with phones calls, emails, letters and petitions since the Legislature adjourned May 23.

Previously a supporter of Common Core, Fallin issued an executive order last fall stressing the state would not use federal requirements in state curriculum design.

Fallin has declined to say if she will sign House Bill 3399. Indeed, she invited the wave of input offered in recent days from across the political spectrum.

Fallin met Friday with three conservatives who played leading roles in the broad coalition that has opposed Common Core with mounting intensity during the past three years. Complicating the situation for Fallin is the fact that her opponent in the November election, state Rep. Joe Dorman, D-Rush Springs, has opposed the Common Core from the start and is aligned with conservatives on the matter.

Click for more from Watchdog.org.