Obama hosts online town hall, looks to help unemployed questioner

President Barack Obama is trying to rebuild the American economy, one job at a time --literally.

The president asked an online town hall questioner Monday to send him her husband's resume, insisting he wanted to look into why the man remained out of work despite his background as a semiconductor engineer.

"I meant what I said. If you send me your husband's resume I'd be interested in finding out what's happening right there," Obama told the questioner, Jennifer Weddel of Fort Worth, Texas.

He told Weddel that according to what he was hearing from industry, such high-tech fields are in great demand and her husband should be able to find work right away.

Weddel told Obama that despite what he said, her husband had been out of work for three years. She wanted to know why foreign workers were getting visas for high-skilled work.

The exchange came as Obama appeared in a live video chat room known as a "Hangout," part of online search giant Google's social networking site Google Plus. He was answering questions submitted to Google and via YouTube, as well as interacting live with Weddel and four others in the Hangout.

It's part of the White House focus on social media.

Obama was also asked to justify his administration's use of unmanned drone strikes, and contended they were being used judiciously.

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