New Iowa poll same result: Carson beating Trump


For the third time this week, Donald Trump finds himself trailing Ben Carson in a poll of likely Iowa caucus goers.

The survey, conducted Tuesday through Thursday for a Republican super PAC and obtained by the Washington Examiner, tracked with polls from Quinnipiac University and the Des Moines Register/Bloomberg. Carson led the field with 28 percent support, followed by Trump at 20 percent. Ted Cruz took third with 11 percent, followed by Marco Rubio at 9 percent, Jeb Bush at 8 percent and Bobby Jindal and Carly Fiorina, who both registered 5 percent.

"At this point, Carson, Rubio, Jindal, Fiorina and Cruz are the best bets to win Iowa," GOP pollsters Jim McLaughlin and Rob Schmidt wrote in the polling memo prepared for Believe Again, the super PAC supporting Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. "Trump and Bush, with their high negatives, have ceilings to their vote. It is also important to note that Trump's support in Iowa tends to be lower in surveys that screen by actual likelihood of voting and past participation in presidential caucuses."