
It’s a Democratic-leaning district, but Republican Pablo Kleinman isn't one bit fazed and pledges to pursue the California congressional seat currently held by incumbent Democrat Brad Sherman.

Kleinman, who was born in Argentina and arrived in the United States when he was 13 years old, is pitching himself as a contemporary Republican. He defines this as being true to the party’s core traditional fiscal conservatism, but progressive on social matters, according to media reports.

He is steadfast about a diminished role of government in the lives of citizens, and supports the right of people to make their own decisions about abortion and same-sex marriage, said the Los Angeles Times.

This is the Internet entrepreneur’s first try for elected office. Kleinman, who is 42 years old, graduated from the University of Southern California School of International Relations.

The Times noted that he lives in Sherman Oaks with his Labradoodle, whose name is Milton.

Among Kleinman’s Internet projects is an online travel site named Urbita, which gets more than 15 million monthly unique visitors and is referred to by many as “Pinterest for places,” the Times said.

The incumbent, Sherman, enjoys the typical advantage of someone who has name recognition among voters and who already occupies the office he is running to keep. Kleinman also faces a demographic challenge in this race – one in four voters in the 30th congressional district, in California's San Fernando Valley, is registered Republican and is overwhelmingly white.

Kleinman plans to focus his campaign on the economy and school improvements. He is in favor of charter schools and vouchers.

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