Michelle Malkin: Media 'sold out' American workers on immigration

Michelle Malkin called out the press for its "reluctance, unwillingness and ideological opposition" to thoroughly cover the H-1B visa program at a Washington, D.C. discussion Thursday.

The leading conservative author claimed that the mainstream media's reluctance to investigate abuses of the 25-year-old visa program has helped speed the transfer of IT jobs from American workers to cheaper foreign labor.

"You'd think it would be something any Bob Woodard or Bernstein-inspired investigative journalists would do," Malkin said while pitching her new book, Sold Out, co-written with John Miano.

"When you hear all of these claims that for every H-1B there are going to be three or four or 10 or 100 miraculous new American jobs that are created… It takes more than two minutes… at a press conference to see how the numbers are crunched," Malkin said.

Americans who have been fired and then forced to train their foreign replacements would act out together if the media reported the trend, said guest panelist Leo Perrero.

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