McConnell opens new 'front' in the war against climate regs

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that Congress is opening a new "front" in the battle against President Obama's climate change agenda and strict new regulations on states.

"Senators in both parties are saying enough is enough," the Republican leader from Kentucky said on the Senate floor, after two bipartisan resolutions of disapproval were introduced to repeal climate rules that are at the center of the president's goal of achieving a global deal on emissions later this year in Paris.

"The publication of these regulations does not represent an end, but a beginning," McConnell said, referring to the rules' publication in the Federal Register on Friday, initiating the final step in the rules' implementation when they can be challenged in court. "It's the beginning of a new front to defend hard-working middle-class Americans from massive regulations that target them."

The regulations are a package of rules meant to reduce greenhouse gases from power plants, which many scientists blame for warming the Earth's climate and causing increasing floods, droughts and heat waves. McConnell's resolution would repeal the administration's New Source rule, which critics say is a de facto ban on building new coal-fired power plants. A second resolution supported by 49 senators would repeal landmark rules for existing power plants, called the Clean Power Plan.