Lawmakers fight to keep Iran sanctions

Iran is headed for a multibillion-dollar windfall after international sanctions are lifted over the next few months, and Republicans in Congress are still looking for a way to block that from happening.

Concerns that Tehran will take the money and run away from the nuclear deal it reached in July with six world powers have been fueled by recent statements and actions by Iranian officials, along with what critics say is the Obama administration's failure so far to keep its pledge to confront Iranian behavior that threatens the interests of the United States and its allies.

Most recently, the International Atomic Energy Agency said last week in a report that Iran had experimented with trying to build a nuclear weapon, but not since 2009. Acceptance of the report by the agency's board is one of the triggers for sanctions relief, and lawmakers were not happy that it indicated Tehran had been deceiving international inspectors about the intentions of its nuclear program, seeing that as a bad omen for verification of Iran's commitments under the deal.

"The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program finally proves that Iran lied about never having attempted to develop nuclear weapons and that the Iranian supreme leader's fatwa against nuclear weapons development is a fraud," said Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan.