Kristol: Look for a Rubio-Fiorina ticket

The Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol predicted Thursday that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina will eventually lead the Republican ticket, and that Donald Trump would fade.

"Now there's this Trump thing going on, I gather he's going to do OK in the polls for a while, but he's not going to be the nominee. We'll be fine," Kristol told MSNBC. "Rubio-Fiorina or a Fiorina-Rubio ticket's going to win in November everyone should calm down."

After MSNBC's panelists prodded him into acknowledging Trump has a chance of winning the nomination, Kristol indicated it might be time for him to leave the GOP if Trump becomes its standard-bearer.

"If all the other candidates remain as pathetic as they've been so far, I suppose it's conceivable he'll [Trump] be the nominee and then we'll have to support a third party," Kristol said.