The “joke” sanctions the United States has imposed against Russia for its annexation of Crimea deservedly have earned mockery from Russian officials, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier.”
“The sanctions [President Obama] imposed yesterday are risible,” Krauthammer said. “Everybody understands that these sanctions are a joke.”
Krauthammer cited the rise in the Russian stock market as evidence the sanctions are not being taken seriously, saying investors were relieved and surprised at the weakness of American actions.
At the same time, there are “real sanctions” the Obama administration could impose on the Russian economy, he said.
Krauthammer blamed the crisis response on a lack of leadership at the White House.
“All we get from this administration is air,” he said. “The real problem is that [Putin’s next step] would be, can be, might be attack on the rest of Eastern Ukraine. And there is nothing that Obama has done that would, in any way, dissuade Putin.”