HuffPo condemns Gowdy for skipping hearings like Dems do

a href="" target="_blank">The Huffington Post allowed an anonymous Democrat staffer to condemn Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., for skipping key interviews held by the Select Committee on Benghazi, even though ranking Democrats involved in the investigation have missed many of the same meetings.

The South Carolina congressman and head of the Benghazi probe has "skipped interviews with top intelligence officials and attack survivors," the Huffington Post reported Friday. "[I]f you look at the witness interviews he's attended, and not attended, there is a clear theme: Gowdy is mostly there for the people directly connected to Clinton."

For certain media figures, including MSNBC's Chris Hayes, the report is "extremely damning."

The special committee has been tasked with investigating the events surrounding the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya. As such, the committee is looking hard at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's involvement in the attack. Gowdy's team rejects the idea that he's only participating when people close to Clinton testify, and says the Republican lawmaker has attended several of the interviews.