Hillary slams rival Sanders: No one 'will take a backseat' to me

Hillary Clinton declared she will "take a backseat to no one" to mostly unimpressed college students at a Darmouth College cookout yesterday. She touted universal background checks and railed against the "gun lobby," but the students mostly yawned, Politico reports.

Hillary's message: "I take a backseat to no one when you look at my record in standing up and fighting for progressive values" was meant to dampen Sanders' support, but the students at the liberal bastion found her unpersuasive, according to Politico.

"We have to take on the gun lobby one more time," said Clinton without the help of a teleprompter or notes, according to Politico. "The majority of gun owners support universal background checks, and we have to work very hard to muster the public opinion to convince Congress that's what they should vote for."

Clinton's cookout served up hamburgers and apple pie and drew 850 New Hampshire locals and students "with more questions than passion for the Democratic frontrunner," reported Politico.

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