Government wants you to sell Obamacare to friends and family this July 4th

While gathered around the grill with friends and family this Fourth of July, the government recommends you try to sell them on Obamacare.

Sure, that's likely to start an argument, a point the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services doesn't dispute, but it's all for a good cause: correcting the "misinformation about the ACA" that "is everywhere" in the wake of last week's Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare subsidies.

In the HHS talking points on how to seamlessly segue from grill-side pleasantries to health insurance shilling, they included some hypothetical scenarios and suggested these responses:

HHS then includes two giant paragraphs of White House statistics on healthcare which it recommends you recite to Uncle Ted, followed by "Now, would you like more corn?"

The line "you've gotten a hold of some old talking points" followed by two paragraphs of talking points, will surely convince Uncle Ted, HHS posits.

No tips from HHS on what to do if your family starts screaming at you, however.