GOP abandons refugee fight in spending deal

A government spending deal is in the works in Congress that would exclude some important GOP policy riders, including one to tighten up the screening process for refugees, but includes others, such an end to the ban on crude oil exports.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told members of the House GOP conference he would walk them through the details of the omnibus spending bill and tax extenders legislation on Tuesday evening, with plans for a Thursday vote, allowing members three legislative days to review the measures. But even so, aides insisted there was no final deal yet.

"While progress has been made, there was no deal to report tonight and discussions are continuing," Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said Monday evening. "Speaker Ryan reiterated his commitment to the three-day rule and voiced optimism of an agreement being passed this week."

That means lawmakers will need to pass another multi-day government funding extension in the next day or two, since a short-term patch runs out on Wednesday.