Fiorina stands by 'harvesting baby parts' charges

GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina defended her controversial CNN debate statements about Planned Parenthood to Fox News' Megyn Kelly Tuesday night. She speculated why her detractors are still taking issue with her description of the Center for Medical Progress's videos exposing some questionable Planned Parenthood practices involving harvested baby parts.

"Well, you see, this is what the left-wing does. They demonize the messenger when they cannot take the message," said Fiorina. "The reason they are where they are with me is because I'm Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. I am a conservative woman who stands up for life."

The former CEO of Hewlett Packard doubled down on her original statements on Sept. 16.

"What I said was that there were videotapes where Planned Parenthood individuals, employees are talking about harvesting baby parts. What I also said is that there are images of fetuses that are born alive. But both of those things are demonstrably true," Fiorina added.