Even Chris Matthews turned off by Obama's jabs at GOP

MSNBC's Chris Matthews joined dozens of TV pundits on Wednesday to say President Obama went too far when he criticized Republican governors for resisting his plans to resettle thousands of Syrian refugees throughout the country.

"I don't think the president should ever get snarky. Why did he do it there?" the cable news host asked Wednesday.

Islamic State-affiliated terrorists launched a series of attack on Paris last week, killing 129 and injuring hundreds more. In response to the Parisian terror wave, more than half of America's governors have announced efforts to slow the flow of Syrians into their states, explaining that they have grave concerns about whether ISIS may be hiding among the refugees.

On Tuesday, the president defended his attempts to take in Middle East refugees, many of whom have been displaced by the Syrian civil war and the rise of the Islamic State. Obama told reporters that GOP criticism amounts to little more than "political posturing."

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