EU official inadvertently exposes ridiculous state of Iran talks

Negotiations over Iran's nuclear program have blown past one deadline after another. The first six-month "interim agreement" was reached on Nov. 23, 2013, setting up a deadline for a deal last July 20, which was then extended until Nov. 24 only to be extended again.

The most recent super serious hard deadline for a deal was June 30, which turned into July 7 -- i.e Tuesday. Yet Tuesday morning brought news that the six powers and Iran wouldn't meet that deadline either.

Lest anybody think that this means another missed deadline, however, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was on hand to disabuse people of such a notion. "We are continuing to negotiate for the next couple of days," Mogherini said outside the Vienna hotel where talks are being held, according to Reuters. "This does not mean we are extending our deadline."

Got it? Continuing to talk past the deadline for a deal without having a deal in place does not constitute an extension of the deadline.