
The gloves are off!

Mayor de Blasio stopped sparring with Gov. Cuomo on Tuesday and delivered a ferocious uppercut -- ripping him as a vindictive man who has crippled the city's relationship with Albany's legislators.

"What I found was he engaged in his own sense of strategies, his own political machinations, and what we've often seen is if someone disagrees with him openly, some kind of revenge or vendetta follows," de Blasio told NY1.

"I don't believe the Assembly had a real working partner in the governor or the Senate in terms of getting things done for the people of this city and, in many cases, the people of this state."

Setting off a potential civil war in the Democratic Party, de Blasio accused Cuomo of being more interested in "transactional" politics and "horse trading" than in doing what's best for Gotham.

"I started a year and a half ago with a hope of a very strong partnership," de Blasio told reporters at a City Hall news conference before heading off on a West Coast vacation. "I have been disappointed at every turn."

De Blasio also took the governor to task for hiding behind unnamed sources in an attack on City Hall last week.

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