Dems debate criminal justice reform

Criminal justice reform was raised only once in the first two Republican primary debates. In the second debate on September 16th, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina had a spirited discussion about marijuana use, states' rights, racial disparities in drug sentencing and the war on drugs.

The Democratic presidential candidates raised the issue much more often during their first debate on October 13. Here's what each of the candidates said and where they stand on various reform proposals.

Bernie Sanders: When Sanders talks about criminal justice reform, he often frames it as an economic issue, and specifically about income inequality and a lack of good jobs. This had led some to conclude that Sanders doesn't like to talk about criminal justice reform.

But Sanders raised the issue more than any other candidate on Tuesday. In his introduction, Sanders noted that the U.S. incarcerates more people than any other country, a point he repeated later in the debate. He also said "that instead of building more jails and providing more incarceration, maybe — just maybe — we should be putting money into education and jobs for our kids."