Democrats Ramp Up Attack on Boehner

Aug. 31: House Republican leader John Boehner speaks at the American Legion convention in Milwaukee. (AP)

Democrats are planning a new step in their attacks on Republican Rep. John Boehner, who would likely become House speaker should the GOP take control of the chamber next year. The Democratic National Committee says it will begin airing a TV ad Tuesday that criticizes Boehner for opposing additional aid to states for teachers and Medicaid.

The ad marks an escalation in the Democratic effort to elevate and to define Boehner, the House minority leader, who is largely unfamiliar to most voters.

It is part of the Democrats’ plan to make the approaching midterm elections a choice between the two parties–a contest they believe they have a chance to win–rather than a referendum on Democratic leadership in Washington, which they fear they would lose.

President Obama has played a central role in the effort, criticizing Boehner on Wednesday during a speech in the GOP leader’s home state of Ohio. In the speech, the president mentioned Boehner by name eight times.

The new TV ad (which can be seen here: ) is to run in Washington and on national cable TV for several days beginning Tuesday, said Brad Woodhouse, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee. He wouldn’t say how much the party was spending on the ad buy.

Also in the works are an anti-Boehner Web site and a string of events highlighting what Democrats see as flaws in the House minority leader’s record and views, Mr. Woodhouse said.

Click here to read more on this story from the Wall Street Journal

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