DCCC: 'No interest' in working with Democratic pro-life group

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has "no interest" in working with Democrats for Life of America, a pro-life Democratic organization.

This according to a DCCC spokeswoman, Meredith Kelly, speaking to the Atlantic. Kelly's comments contribute to the on-going confusion as to whether or not the Democratic party will be welcoming to pro-life candidates for office in 2018.

Kristen Day, a member of Democrats for Life, told the Atlantic that "lines of communication were open" between her group and the DCCC. But Kelly rejected Day's claim.

"The DCCC has no interest in working with Democrats for Life of America, despite their attempts," she said.

"Protecting a woman's health care, her right to choose, and her economic security are fundamental tenets of the Democratic Party, and as long as Republicans control Congress and the White House those values are constantly at risk," Kelly said in a statement.

But Kelly's statement ran up against the claim of the DCCC's Chairman, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (N.M.), who a mere ten days prior said that abortion wouldn't be a "litmus test" for candidates in 2018.

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